Our friendly, experienced instructors will help you prepare with patience and understanding. Our instructors have years of experience in specific areas of training and are renowned for their high success rates. Combined with our high fidelity Alsim AL42 and ALX devices, excellent location, you couldn’t ask for a better place to prepare for your airline assessment.
Our assessment preperation course include pre-sim documentation and a briefing prior to the simulator session with a detailed debrief. We can also align your training to the specific airline check profile if we have the information in advance.
The Alsim AL42 and ALX are both CAA approved FNPTII simulators and are used primarily for our multi-engine instrument rating courses and multi crew training courses. The AL42 simulator is an exact replica of a multi-engine DA42 Twinstar aircraft installed with the Garmin G1000 cockpit. Student pilots will commence training towards the MEIR rating in the simulator and will then progress to the actual aircraft for the later part of the course. The Alsim ALX simulator is a generic multi engine turbofan aircraft simulator which is used to train pilots in a multi crew environment.
These simulators are also available for self-hire, licence renewals, revalidations, trial lessons and experience days. Please contact us for more information.

The PBN Course is an essential requirement for all Instrument Ratings (IR) from 2020. All IRs must be supported by a PBN certification (Performance Based Navigation), by completing a course in an authorized ATO.
Our Alsim AL42 FNTP II and Alsim ALX simulators are approved for airlines and operators to conduct PBN courses and aims to impart all the necessary skills established by the European Aviation Safety (EASA) and the Civil Aviation Authority Agency (CAA) for Performance Based Navigation.